
Hyperion Foundation Staff

Hello, Hyperion Foundation members and visitors!

Welcome to our blog! The first blog website was suspended because we used a CMS (Content Management System) called Ghost. Ghost CMS requires several components such as a server to host the website and a database server.

Why we suspend our first blog website? Because we think hosting a blog website with Ghost it's a money consuming. So, if this type of blog website doesn't suit our needs, we'll continue to use Ghost.

We possibly made this blog website it's because we use Deno Blog. It's simple and easy to install. And it doesn't need several hardware components, and also we host this website without spending any money. Deno Blog use Deno (duh) as a runtime environment. Deno is more faster and more secure than Node.js. If you don't know, Ghost CMS using Node.js as a runtime environment and it requires a physical server to run it (read this forum to learn more), so Ghost CMS cannot run if you choose to run it on Serverless computing type.

So, well, this is the end for this post. Thank you for reading this post and we hope you always have a great day. We'll try to post more on this website if we have something to post.